I. The Gospel Message is Simple
--simple – uncomplicated, easily understood
--The Gospel is the good news that God has done something to deliver us from the power, the practice, and the payment of sin.
>He sent Jesus Christ to pay our sin debt
>Salvation is given to all who put their faith in Him
II. The Gospel Message is Profound
--profound – intellectually deep; extending far below the surface
--Salvation is just the beginning of our spiritual life
>In front of us is a whole life of God making us more like Jesus Christ (Sanctification)
>It begins with the Holy Spirit’s sealing of us
The Holy Spirit’s “sealing” has 4 meanings
1. security
2. authentication
3. genuineness
4. ownership
What is an “earnest”
--it is a “first installment of a future payment”
--God the Holy Spirit’s seal is a down payment that guarantees future inheritance