Pastoral Staff
Brian Fernett, Senior Pastor
Pastor Fernett was born in West Virginia and was saved at the age of 17. His college training includes a B.A. in Pastoral Studies, a M.A. in Bible, and a M.Div. After graduation Brian married Heidi, and they ministered in Atlanta, Ga. They now have three children, and come to Lebanon from Orlando, FL, where Brian was an assistant pastor for seven years. He has experience as a youth pastor, has traveled to several mission fields, and has held various responsibilities in the church. He enjoys hunting, spending time with his family, and is an avid WVU fan.
Contact Brian
Pastor Josh was born in Sacramento, CA to a godly family where he came to know Christ as his Savior early in life. He attended Bob Jones University and completed a B.A. in Bible, an M.A. in Biblical Languages and Literature, and an M.Div. Before coming to FBC, Josh worked in camp and college ministries for several years. His wife, Mia, is an accomplished musician with degrees from Maranatha and Butler University. They enjoy outdoor recreation such as hunting, fishing, and hiking as well as sports like soccer, volleyball, and disc golf.
Contact Josh
Ray Kanoun, Assistant Pastor
Pastor Ray Kanoun began serving as the director of our Senior Ambassador’s ministry in August 2005. He was born in Detroit, MI, and served in the US Navy. He is a graduate of Philadelphia College of Bible and studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Pastor Kanoun served in military missions in Ohio and New Jersey and has pastored 5 churches in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. He and his wife Mildred have three children, five grandchildren, and two great granddaughters. His hobbies include Amateur Radio, stamp collecting, and playing keyboard musical instruments.
Contact Pastor Kanoun